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Review of Bebop to the Boolean Boogie,
3rd Edition, by Clive Maxfield

Created on: 9 April 2013

This book contains information on many topics in electronics mainly concentrating on digital electronics. It includes information on how semiconductor components work at the atomic level to how they are manufactured and packaged and then used in electronic systems.

The book is is targeted to electronics students but should also be of interest to the serious hobbyist or anyone with an interest in electronics wanting to know more information on the inner workings of semiconductor components and semiconductor manufacturing techniques.

There are no practical circuits to build in this book, but rather information, theory and related diagrams that are used to explain various concepts and processes in the electronics industry.

Historical snippets on who invented or discovered a particular concept, component or technique are also included, which makes for interesting reading.

Bebop to the Boolean Boogie is written in an entertaining style making it easier to read than a "dry" textbook.

Book Contents

The book contains the following sections and chapters. A brief description of the main contents of each chapter is included.


SECTION 1 – Fundamentals

CHAPTER 1 – Analog Versus Digital

The difference between analog and digital measurements explained.

CHAPTER 2 – Atoms, Molecules, and Crystals

Basic atomic theory and the atomic structure of materials used in electronics and electronic components.

CHAPTER 3 – Conductors, Insulators, and Other Stuff

Conductors, insulators, voltage, current, resistance, Ohm's law, capacitance and inductance explained.

CHAPTER 4 – Semiconductors (Diodes and Transistors)

Relays, vacuum tubes (valves), semiconductors, diodes, transistors and LEDs.

CHAPTER 5 – Primitive Logic Functions

AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, NOR and XNOR logic functions and gates.

CHAPTER 6 – Using Transistors to Build Logic Gates

Transistor circuits that make up logic gates.

CHAPTER 7 – Alternative Number Systems

An explanation of various numbering systems.

CHAPTER 8 – Binary Arithmetic

Adding and subtracting binary numbers. Adding and subtracting signed binary numbers. Binary multiplication and division.

CHAPTER 9 – Boolean Algebra

Boolean and DeMorgan algebra operations.

CHAPTER 10 – Karnaugh Maps

How to use Karnaugh maps.

CHAPTER 11 – Slightly More Complex Functions

Combining logic gates to make more complex logic circuits such as multiplexers, decoders, latches and flip-flops.

CHAPTER 12 – State Machines

State diagrams and state machines explained.

CHAPTER 13 – Analog-to-Digital and Vice Versa

Converting analog signals to digital and digital signals to analogue. An explanation of DSP.

SECTION 2 – Components and Processes

CHAPTER 14 – Integrated Circuits (ICs)

Some history on ICs and a look at the IC fabrication and packaging processes.

CHAPTER 15 – Memory ICs


CHAPTER 16 – Programmable ICs


CHAPTER 17 – Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)

ASICS explained.

CHAPTER 18 – Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)

Some history on PCBs and information on the PCB manufacturing process.

CHAPTER 19 – Hybrids

Manufacturing processes of creating hybrid electronic components.

CHAPTER 20 – Advanced Packaging Techniques

Information on more advanced methods of packaging ICs, such as flip-chip, chip-scale packaging and others.

CHAPTER 21 – Alternative and Future Technologies

Recently introduced and cutting-edge technologies in electronics.

SECTION 3 – Design Tools and Stuff

CHAPTER 22 – General Concepts

An introduction to EDA, CAD and CAE. Embedded systems, programming languages and hardware design languages.

CHAPTER 23 – Design and Verification Tools

Schematic capture, simulation and layout of electronic designs.

APPENDIX A – Assertion-Level Logic

Assertion-level logic explained. Standard logic equations and symbols compared with assertion-level equivalents.

APPENDIX B – Positive Versus Negative Logic

Positive and negative logic in logic gates explained.

APPENDIX C – Reed-Müller Logic

When to implement a logic function using Reed-Müller logic.

APPENDIX D – Gray Codes

Gray code explanation and conversion to and from binary.

APPENDIX E – Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs)

LFSRs and applications explained.

APPENDIX F – Pass-Transistor Logic

An explanation of pass-transistor logic.

APPENDIX G – More on Semiconductors

Additional information on P-N junctions and how they operate. Additional information on other transistor types.

APPENDIX H – Rounding Algorithms 101

Mathematical methods for rounding numbers.

APPENDIX I – An Interesting Conundrum

Logic problem and solution.

APPENDIX J – A No-Holds Barred Seafood Gumbo

A recipe.


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If you want to take your study of electronics further by learning more about the theory behind how transistors, diodes and logic circuits work, as well as how these electronic devices are manufactured, then you should enjoy reading Bebop to the Boolean Boogie.

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