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Created on: 6 December 2012
Digital Electronics A Practical Approach with VHDL 9th edition by William Kleitz is a digital electronics text book suitable for students in engineering and technology curricula.
This book is well written and contains all the material that one would expect in a digital electronics course. As is typical with this kind of book, it starts with fundamentals of digital systems and binary code, introduces logic gates and then logic elements built from gates such as comparators, encoders, ALU, memory, etc. and finishes with an explanation of how a microprocessor works.
The book contains both fixed gate (7400 series ICs) and VHDL examples. It is possible to skip the sections of the book containing VHDL and use the book for a digital electronics course without affecting the continuity of the text. The VHDL sections of the book are well marked down the side of each page.
Some of the features of the book are:
The book uses the 7400 series of logic ICs. Circuits can be built on a breadboard using these ICs. Altera CPLDs and FPGAs are used in examples.
For implementing the optional VHDL examples, the Altera DE2 Development and Education board is used (contains the Altera Cyclone II 2C35 FPGA). It should be no problem to use an alternate FPGA board with the text.
Multisim software from National Instruments is used in the software simulation examples and exercises.
Quartus® II Web Edition version 9.1 sp2 software is used as the VHDL development package in the book – this is a free download.
Each chapter in the book starts with a chapter outline and objectives. Each chapter ends with review questions, a summary of what was covered in the chapter, a glossary of terms used in the chapter and various exercises and problems to be solved by the student – the problems cover design, troubleshooting, simulation and VHDL.
Side notes in the book provide extra information on the work being covered. There are four kinds of side notes:
The book consists of the following chapters:
The book makes the subject of digital electronics interesting and exciting with its easy to read and understand text, and by using practical examples.
The student using this book will be taking advantage of the experience that Professor Kleitz has gained from the previous 8 editions of the book as well as the feedback and insights that he has obtained by working with students.
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